Alabama: lechuga, tomate, cebolla, atún millón,huevo, duro
Alabama: lettuce, tomato , onion, tuna, corn, and hard -boiled egg
Alabama: salat, tomaten, zwiebeln, thunfisch, mais und hartgekochtes ei
Cesar: escarola, pollo crujiente, costrones de pan, tomate cherry y salsa cesar
Caesar. Escarole, crispy chiken, bread ribs, cherry tomato and caesar sauce
Caesar: escarole, knuspriges huhn, brot, kirschtomaten and caesar saucece
Hawái: escarola, zanahoria, piña, millo y salsa wolf
Hawaii: scarlet, carrot, pineapple, corn and wolf sauce
Hawaii: scharlach, karotten, ananas, mais und wolfsauce
Carolina: escarola, tomate, pollo crujiente, queso, piña y salsa mostaza-miel
Carolina: endive, tomato, crispy chicken, cheese, pineapple and mustard- honey sauce
Carolina: escarole, tomaten, knuspriges, huhn, käse, ananas und senf-honigsauce