Tapas espanhola Premium drinks (Extra
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu Macchiato's Coffee All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu Macchiato's Coffee All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
Snack - 11am - 11pm
Hambúrguer de carne de vaca, pão de hambúrguer, alface, tomate, pepino, batatas fritas, maionese e ketchup
Beef Burger, Burger bun, lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, French fries, Mayo & Ketchup
Beef Burger, Burger bun, lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, French fries, Mayo & Ketchup
Cachorro-quente, pão de cachorro-quente, tomate, batatas fritas, maionese e ketchup
Hot dog, Hot dog bun, Tomatoes, French fries, Mayo & Ketchup
Hot dog, Hot dog bun, Tomatoes, French fries, Mayo & Ketchup
Sanduíche de legumes grelhados, batatas fritas
Grilled vegetable Sandwich, French fries
Grilled vegetable Sandwich, French fries
Sanduíche de fiambre e queijo grelhado, batatas fritas
Grilled Ham & Cheese sandwich, French fries
Grilled Ham & Cheese sandwich, French fries
- Salada Cesar, Pão de Alho, opção de Frango ou Camarão grelhado
Ceasar salad, Garlic Bread, add on choice of grilled Chicken or Prawns
Ceasar salad, Garlic Bread, add on choice of grilled Chicken or Prawns
Mistura de alfaces, grãos de milho, azeitonas, tomate, pepino, molho italiano
Mixed lettuces, corn kernels, olives, tomatoes, cucumber, Italian dressing
Mixed lettuces, corn kernels, olives, tomatoes, cucumber, Italian dressing
Bolo americano de chocolate
Pudim de Ovos
Eggs Pudding
Eggs Pudding
Arroz Doce
Sweet Rice
Sweet Rice
Break fast - 7am - 11am / Pequeno-almoço 7h - 11H
2x Ovos fritos, 2x salsichas grelhadas, 2x fatias de bacon grelhado, feijão cozido, 1x tomate meio grelhado, fatias de batata cozidas, café ou chá, sumo de fruta
2x Fried Eggs, 2x grilled sausages, 2x slices of grilled bacon, baked beans, 1x half grilled tomato, baked Potato wedges, coffee or Tea, Fruit Juice
2x Fried Eggs, 2x grilled sausages, 2x slices of grilled bacon, baked beans, 1x half grilled tomato, baked Potato wedges, coffee or Tea, Fruit Juice
Escolha de 2x ovos fritos, ovos mexidos ou 1x ovo cozido (mole ou duro) 2x salsichas grelhadas, Cesto de pão com seleção de pães fatiados, Croissants, Muffins e Pastelaria, Iogurte simples ou de fruta, manteiga, compota de fruta, sumo de fruta, mistura de frutas fatiadas, cereais, (leite, chá ou café)
Choice of 2x fried Eggs, scrambled eggs or 1x boiled egg ( soft or hard) 2x grilled sausages, Bread basket with selection of sliced breads, Croissants, Muffins, and Pastries, Plain or fruit yoghurt, Butter, fruit jam, fruit Juice, sliced mixed fruits, cereals, (Milk, Tea or coffee)
Choice of 2x fried Eggs, scrambled eggs or 1x boiled egg ( soft or hard) 2x grilled sausages, Bread basket with selection of sliced breads, Croissants, Muffins, and Pastries, Plain or fruit yoghurt, Butter, fruit jam, fruit Juice, sliced mixed fruits, cereals, (Milk, Tea or coffee)
Almolço 12:30 - 15:00 / Lunch 12:30pm - 15pm
Massa de legumes, pesto de manjericão e queijo parmesão
Vegetable Pasta, basil pesto parmesan cheese
Vegetable Pasta, basil pesto parmesan cheese
Peito de frango grelhado, arroz cozido a vapor, legumes mistos salteados
Grilled Chicken breast, steamed Rice, sauteed mixed vegetables
Grilled Chicken breast, steamed Rice, sauteed mixed vegetables
Penne com tomate e queijo parmesão
Tomato Pasta, Parmesan cheese,
Tomato Pasta, Parmesan cheese,
Peixe branco grelhado, mista de legumes grelhado e batata no forno
Grilled white fish sautted spinach and oven potatoes
Grilled white fish sautted spinach and oven potatoes
Peixe branco grelhado, mista de legumes grelhado e batata no forno
Grilled white fish sautted spinach and oven potatoes
Grilled white fish sautted spinach and oven potatoes
Jantar - 19:00 - 22:00 / Dinner - 7pm - 10pm
Arroz frito de legumes, cozido a vapor com peixe do recife, chutney de frutas
Vegetable fried rice, steamed with Reef Fish, fruit chutney
Vegetable fried rice, steamed with Reef Fish, fruit chutney
Pernas de frango assadas, legumes mistos salteados, batatas fritas
Baked Chicken legs, sauteed mixed vegetables, Potato chips
Baked Chicken legs, sauteed mixed vegetables, Potato chips
Esparguete, bolonhesa de carne, queijo parmesão
Spaghetti, Beef Bolognaise, parmesan cheese
Spaghetti, Beef Bolognaise, parmesan cheese
Atum grelhado com mista de legumes grelhado e batata no forno
Grilled Tuna fish with grilled vegetables and oven potatoes
Grilled Tuna fish with grilled vegetables and oven potatoes
Information: Gluten Dairy Crustacean Eggs Fish Mollusk