HUEVOS A SU GUSTO... Elija su combinación perfecta / EGGS TO YOUR TASTE- choose the perfect combination
TIPO DE COCCION: Revueltos / Fritos / Escalfados / Omelet al gusto (con atun, fiambre, queso, champiñones, pimientos, cebolla...)
The way you wanted it cooked: scrambled/ fried/ to your taste (with tuna, ham, cheese, mushrooms, peppers, onion…)
GUARNICION: Tostadas y mantequilla / Croissant natural o con semillas / Verduritas de temporada / Ensalada tierna
GARNISH: Toast and butter/ Croissant (natural or with seeds)/ Seasonal vegetables/ tender salad
HUEVOS BENEDICT a nuestra manera... (Huevos escalfados sobre waffle y cubiertos con salsa / EGGS BENEDICT OUR STYLE… (Poached eggs on a waffle covered with Hollandaise Sauce)
EL NORUEGO: con salmon ahumado y crema de aguacate
THE NORWEGIAN: with smoked salmon and avocado cream
EL INGLES: con bacon crujiente y sirope de arce
THE ENGLISH: with crunchy bacon and Maple syrup
EL VEGETARIANO: con espinacas salteadas con cebolla, aguacate fresco y tomatitos confitados
THE VEGETARIAN: with spinach sautéed with onion, fresh avocado and candied tomatoes
PANCAKES / WAFFLE... Torre de mini pancakes o Waffle / PANCAKES/ WAFFLES. Pancake or Waffle tower
VIVA AMERICA: Mantequilla, sirope de arce y bacon crujiente
LONG LIVE AMERICA: Butter, Maple syrup and crunchy bacon
DESAYUNO EN EL BOSQUE: Frutos rojos en semiconfitados con sirope de arce, miel o chantillí
BREAKFAST IN THE FOREST: Red semi-candied fruits with Maple syrup, honey or Chantilly cream
SWEET CABO VERDE: Crema de cacao y plátano
SWEET CABO VERDE: with cocoa and banana cream
CEREALES... Elija su combinación perfecta / CEREALS… Choose your perfect combination
SUS CEREALES PREFERIDOS: Corn Flakes, arroz chocolateado, granolas, muesly… (Consulte disponibilidad)
YOUR FAVORITE CEREALS: with flakes, chocolate rice, granolds, muesli… (subject to availability)
CON EL TIPO DE LECHE QUE DESEE: Leche semi-desnatada, leche de soja, leche de avena, leche de almendra (Consulte disponibilidad)
WITH THE TYPE OF MILK OF YOUR PREFERENCE: With semi-skinned milk, soya milk, oat milk, almond milk (subject to availability)
AVENA: Clásica papilla de avena caliente o Fría reposada la noche anterior, con fruta fresca, frutos secos y miel
OAT: warm classic oat porridge or cold overnight oat porridge, with fresh fruit, dried fruits and honey
NUESTROS YOGURES... Yogur cremoso montado al momento con nuestra selección de ingredientes… / OUR YOGHURTS … Creamy yoghurt with our selection of ingredients...
YOG BANANA: Plátano + granola + miel + pasas
BANANA YOG: banana + granola+ honey+ raisins
YOG TEXTURAS DE MANZANA: Confitura casera de manzana + granola dorada + manzana fresca
YOG WITH APPLE TEXTURES: homemade apple jam+ golden granola +fresh apple
YOG FRUTOS DEL BOSQUE: Frutos del bosque semiconfitados + semillas + sirope de mapple
FRUITS OF THE FOREST YOG: semi- candied fruits of the forest+ seeds+ Maple syrup
YOG FIBRA: Muesli + nueces + miel
FIBER YOG: Muesli +nuts+ honey
INGLES: Tostadas + mantequilla con huevo, juedias con tomate, salchicha, bacon crujiente, tomate y champis frescos al grill.
ENGLISH: toasts + butter with eggs, beans with tomato, sausage, crunchy bacon, tomato and grilled fresh mushrooms
FRANCES: Bollería, croissant, tostadas, mantequilla y mermeladas
FRENCH: Pastries, croissant, toast, butter and jams
MEDITERRANEO: Media baguete recien horneada con Aceite Oliva, tomate rallado, o jamón serrano y queso semicurado.
MEDITERRANEAN: half of a baguette just removed from the oven with olive oil and grated tomato or with serrano ham with semi-cured cheese
ES. -Desayuno servido de 08:00h a 11:00h en el restaurante "Casa Nostra" exclusivamente para los clientes THE LEVEL ///IG. - Breakfast is served between 08h00 and 11h00 in the “Casa Nostra” restaurant exclusively for THE LEVEL guests. Kindly note menu items are subject to change based on availability. PLEASE CONTACT US IN CASE OF ALLERGY OR FOOD INTOLERANCE. ES. -EN CASO DE ALERGIA O INTOLERANCIA ALIMENTARIA, POR FAVOR CONSULTENOS
Information: Eggs Fish Soy Gluten Dairy Nuts Celery Sesame Sulphites Peanuts Lupines

Melia Llana