Tapas espanhola Premium drinks (Extra
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
Eggs / Ovos
Ovos Fritos com Torrada e Bacon
Fried Eggs with Toasts & Bacon
Fried Eggs with Toasts & Bacon

Ovos Mexidos Simples ou com queijo fiambre, verdura, bacon e atum
Scrambled Eggs Plain or with ham & cheese, vegetable, bacon and Tuna

Scrambled Eggs Plain or with ham & cheese, vegetable, bacon and Tuna

Ovos Benedit, com molho holandes,espinafre e bacon
Poached Benedit, with holland souce, spinach and bacon

Poached Benedit, with holland souce, spinach and bacon

Omolete Diverses
Various Omelettes

Various Omelettes

Outros Pratos / Other Dishes
Iogurte com cereais
Yogourt with cereal
Yogourt with cereal

Torrada Francesa Classica
Classic French Toast

Classic French Toast

Pequeno Almoço Tradicional Inglês
Traditional British Breakfast

Traditional British Breakfast

Panquecas com Banana e Lasca de Chocolate
Pancakes with banana and Chocolat Chips

Pancakes with banana and Chocolat Chips

Panqueca de Espinafre com banana, morango e creme de côco
Spinach Pancake with banana, Strawberry and Coconut Cream

Spinach Pancake with banana, Strawberry and Coconut Cream

Aveia, Maça, Mel e Canela com leite
Over NIght Oatmeals Apple,Honey,& Cinnamon with Milk
Over NIght Oatmeals Apple,Honey,& Cinnamon with Milk
