Tapas espanhola Premium drinks (Extra
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu Macchiato's Coffee All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
charge) Premium drink Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu Macchiato's Coffee All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
Salada italiana; (Tomate cereja, tomate pera, cebola roxa, pão frito, abacate e manjericão)
Italian salad; (Cherry tomato, pear tomato, purple onion, fried bread, avocado and basil)
salade italienne; (Tomate cerise, tomate poire, oignon violet, pain frit, avocat et basilic)
Italian salad; (Cherry tomato, pear tomato, purple onion, fried bread, avocado and basil)
salade italienne; (Tomate cerise, tomate poire, oignon violet, pain frit, avocat et basilic)
Sanduíche de legumes grelhados (Pão fatiado, legumes frescos sazonais grelhados variados)
grilled vegetable sandwich (Sliced bread, assorted fresh seasonal grilled vegetables)
sandwich aux légumes grillés (Pain de mie, assortiment de légumes frais de saison grillés)
grilled vegetable sandwich (Sliced bread, assorted fresh seasonal grilled vegetables)
sandwich aux légumes grillés (Pain de mie, assortiment de légumes frais de saison grillés)
O sanduíche Level; (alface, pêra, queijo gorgonzola e bacon)
The Level sandwich; (lettuce, pear, Gorgonzola cheese and bacon)
Le sandwich Niveau ; (laitue, poire, gorgonzola et bacon)
The Level sandwich; (lettuce, pear, Gorgonzola cheese and bacon)
Le sandwich Niveau ; (laitue, poire, gorgonzola et bacon)
Taco de costela de porco (Tortilla de trigo, costela de porco assada no forno, coentro, cebola e molho barbecue)
pork rib taco (Wheat tortilla, oven-roasted pork rib, cilantro, onion and bbq sauce)
tacos aux côtes de porc (Tortilla de blé, côte de porc rôtie au four, coriandre, oignon et sauce bbq)
pork rib taco (Wheat tortilla, oven-roasted pork rib, cilantro, onion and bbq sauce)
tacos aux côtes de porc (Tortilla de blé, côte de porc rôtie au four, coriandre, oignon et sauce bbq)
Trio de hambúrgueres; (carne bovina, alface, bacon, queijo, cebola frita e molho tártaro)
burger trio; (beef, lettuce, bacon, cheese, fried onion and tartar sauce)
trio de hamburgers; (bœuf, laitue, bacon, fromage, oignon frit et sauce tartare)
burger trio; (beef, lettuce, bacon, cheese, fried onion and tartar sauce)
trio de hamburgers; (bœuf, laitue, bacon, fromage, oignon frit et sauce tartare)
Espetada de salmão e camarão (cubos de salmão e rabos de camarão, com molho Bourbon)
Salmon and prawn skewer (cubes of salmon and prawn tails, with Bourbon sauce)
Brochette de saumon et crevettes (cubes de saumon et queues de crevettes, sauce Bourbon)
Salmon and prawn skewer (cubes of salmon and prawn tails, with Bourbon sauce)
Brochette de saumon et crevettes (cubes de saumon et queues de crevettes, sauce Bourbon)
Cone de batatas fritas
Cone of french fries
Cornet de pommes de terre frites
Cone of french fries
Cornet de pommes de terre frites
Tiramisu italiano clássico
Classic Italian Tiramisu
Tiramisu italien classique
Classic Italian Tiramisu
Tiramisu italien classique
Macedônia de frutas
Macedonia de fruits
Macédoine de fruits
Macedonia de fruits
Macédoine de fruits
Information: Gluten Sulphites Dairy Soy Sesame Crustacean Fish Mollusk Eggs