Premium drink Macchiato´s (Tapas) Room Service Signora Sassi Wine Menu The Level YHI SPA MENU Wine Menu Macchiato's Coffee All Inclusive Drinks Menu MENU THE LEVEL POOL ATLANTS DINNER MENU ATLANTS DINNER VEGAN MENU Aqua Dinner Menu Aqua Snack Menu Breakfast Menu The Level Rancho Sahel
Aperitivo / Appetizer
Samosa de verduras frito com guacamole e soja
Fried vegetable samosa with guacamole and soy
Fried vegetable samosa with guacamole and soy
Entrada / Starter
Salada Crudites, com vinagrete de frutos vermelhos
Crudites salad with red fruit vinaigrette
Crudites salad with red fruit vinaigrette
Primeiro prato / First course
Cataplana de vegetais com molho caril
Vegetable cataplana with curry sauce
Vegetable cataplana with curry sauce
Segundo prato / Second course
Abobrinha recheado c/verduras com leite de coco e queijo tofu
zucchini eggplant with vegetables, coconut milk and tofu cheese
zucchini eggplant with vegetables, coconut milk and tofu cheese
Sobremesa / Dessert
Biscoito dacquoise com sorvete de laranja
Dacquoise cookie with orange sorbet
Dacquoise cookie with orange sorbet
Information: Sulphites Dairy Eggs